Food insecurity affects the health of many Native American children and Elders. Your commitment is needed now. We call this group Circle of Friends, because a friend is someone who makes a lasting commitment. Learn More ». By the time he was twelve, he had killed a buffalo and received his own horse. His father gave him his own name, Crazy Horse. While living with his uncle Spotted Tail, Crazy Horse watched as a group of soldiers attacked Sioux leaders who were trying to mediate a dispute.
Spotted Tail then led a group of warriors to attack the soldiers. Sometime later Crazy Horse returned from a buffalo hunt to find the village burned to the ground and eighty-six people dead. Finding a few survivors, Crazy Horse was told that U. While still a young man Crazy Horse went on a vision quest and had a vivid dream of a rider in a storm on horseback, with long unbraided hair, a small stone in his ear, zig zag lightning decorating his check and hail dotting his body.
Crazy Horse adopted the costume as his war dress. Crazy Horse was quickly escorted toward the jail. Once he realized that the commanding officers were planning on imprisoning him, he struggled and drew his knife. Little Big Man, friend and fellow warrior of Crazy Horse, tried to restrain him. As Crazy Horse continued to free himself, an infantry guard made a successful lunge with a bayonet and mortally wounded the great warrior.
Crazy Horse died shortly after the mortal wound was inflicted. There are different accounts putting the date of his death around midnight September 5, It is a well-known fact that Crazy Horse refused to have his picture or likeness taken.
Crazy Horse lived under the assumption that by taking a picture a part of his soul would be taken and his life would be shortened. This site requires javascript to operate correctly. Please enable it to continue. Come learn and celebrate Native American Heritage Month. They met in , but she married a man named No Water while Crazy Horse was on a raid. Crazy Horse continued to pay her attention and in eloped with her while No Water was on a hunting party.
He and Black Buffalo Woman spent one night together before No Water took back his wife, shooting Crazy Horse in the nose and breaking his jaw. Despite fears of violence between villages, the two men came to a truce. Crazy Horse eventually married Black Shawl, who died of tuberculosis, and later a half-Cheyenne, half-French woman named Nellie Larrabee. In , Crazy Horse took part in a raid with Sitting Bull against soldiers, where his horse was shot out beneath him after he made a reckless dash ahead to meet the U.
Somewhere along the Yellowstone River, Crazy Horse encountered Custer for the first time, coming upon a contingent of napping soldiers. The Sioux attempted to steal their horses but failed, and Crazy Horse retreated after a scuffle. One week later, General Custer entered into battle at Little Big Horn after refusing the advice of his Native guides, who assured him he would lose the confrontation.
Crazy Horse traveled to Big Butte to harass white miners in the Black Hills, while the Sioux faced continued hostilities from General Crook during a harsh winter that decimated the tribe. Miles tried to strike a deal with Crazy Horse, promising to help the Sioux and treat them fairly. When Crazy Horse sent emissaries to discuss the deal, soldiers shot and killed several and Crazy Horse fled.
Incapacitated by the winter, Crazy Horse negotiated with Lieutenant Philo Clark, who offered the starving Sioux their own reservation in exchange their surrender. Crazy Horse agreed. During negotiations, Crazy Horse found trouble with both the Army and his fellow tribesmen.
Clark tried to convince him to go to Washington, but Crazy Horse refused, furthering the Army's belief that Crazy Horse was too unreliable for negotiation. Some of the Sioux were agitating with others following a rumor that Crazy Horse had found favor with white people, who planned to install him as leader of all the Sioux. During these meetings, an interpreter claimed Crazy Horse had promised he would not stop fighting until all white men were killed, though Crazy Horse had not said that.
Some Sioux warriors signed on with the Army to fight the Nez Perce warriors. Disgusted, Crazy Horse threatened to leave negotiations and was soon after arrested. Returning to camp the next day, Crazy Horse requested to talk to military leaders, but was led to a cell instead.
Realizing the betrayal, Crazy Horse struggled. An old friend, Little Big Man, worked for the Army as a policeman and attempted to restrain Crazy Horse, who pulled a concealed knife on him. Crazy Horse collapsed and was moved to an office, where he refused a cot. Only his father was allowed to visit. Crazy Horse died at some point later on the night of September 6, , at the age of 35, lying on the bare floor in Fort Robinson, Nebraska.