Float java. The env-entry-value element contains the value of an enterprise bean's environment entry. The value must be a String that is valid for the constructor of the specified type that takes a single String parameter, or for java.
Character, a single character. The ejb-ref element is used for the declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's home. The declaration consists of: an optional description the EJB reference name used in the code of the enterprise bean that's referencing the enterprise bean the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean the expected home and remote interfaces of the referenced enterprise bean optional ejb-link information, used to specify the referenced enterprise bean.
The ejb-ref-name element contains the name of an EJB reference. The name must be unique within the enterprise bean.
The ejb-ref-type element contains the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean. The ejb-link element is used in the ejb-ref or ejb-local-ref elements to specify that an EJB reference is linked to an enterprise bean.
The value of the ejb-link element must be the ejb-name of an enterprise bean in the same ejb-jar file or in another ejb-jar file in the same J2EE application unit. Alternatively, the name in the ejb-link element may be composed of a path name specifying the ejb-jar containing the referenced enterprise bean with the ejb-name of the target bean appended and separated from the path name by " ". The path name is relative to the ejb-jar file containing the enterprise bean that is referencing the enterprise bean.
This allows multiple enterprise beans with the same ejb-name to be uniquely identified. The ejb-local-ref element is used for the declaration of a reference to an enterprise bean's local home. The declaration consists of: an optional description the EJB reference name used in the code of the enterprise bean that's referencing the enterprise bean the expected type of the referenced enterprise bean the expected local home and local interfaces of the referenced enterprise bean optional ejb-link information, used to specify the referenced enterprise bean.
The security-role-ref element contains the declaration of a security role reference in the enterprise bean's code. The declaration consists of an optional description, the security role name used in the code, and an optional link to a security role. If the security role is not specified, the Deployer must choose an appropriate security role.
The role-name element contains the name of a security role. The role-link element is a reference to a defined security role. The role-link element must contain the name of one of the security roles defined in the security-role elements. The security-identity element specifies whether the caller's security identity is to be used for the execution of the methods of the enterprise bean or whether a specific run-as identity is to be used.
It contains an optional description and a specification of the security identity to be used. The use-caller-identity element specifies that the caller's security identity be used as the security identity for the execution of the enterprise bean's methods.
This element is empty. Use the description element if the parent element is run-as The description element is used to provide text describing the parent element.
Use the role-name element if the parent element is run-as. The resource-ref element contains a declaration of an enterprise bean's reference to an external resource. It consists of an optional description, the resource manager connection factory reference name, the indication of the resource manager connection factory type expected by the enterprise bean code, the type of authentication Application or Container , and an optional specification of the shareability of connections obtained from the resource Shareable or Unshareable.
The res-ref-name element specifies the name of a resource manager connection factory reference. The res-type element specifies the type of the data source. The type is specified by the fully qualified Java language class or interface expected to be implemented by the data source.
The res-auth element specifies whether the enterprise bean code signs on programmatically to the resource manager, or whether the Container will sign on to the resource manager on behalf of the enterprise bean. In the latter case, the Container uses information that is supplied by the Deployer. The res-sharing-scope element specifies whether connections obtained through the given resource manager connection factory reference can be shared. The resource-env-ref element contains a declaration of an enterprise bean's reference to an administered object associated with a resource in the enterprise bean's environment.
It consists of an optional description, the resource environment reference name, and an indication of the resource environment reference type expected by the enterprise bean code. The resource-env-ref-name element specifies the name of a resource environment reference; its value is the environment entry name used in the enterprise bean code. The resource-env-ref-type element specifies the type of a resource environment reference.
It is the fully qualified name of a Java language class or interface. The optional abstract-schema-name element must be specified for an entity bean with container-managed persistence and cmp-version 2. The optional primkey-field may be present in the descriptor if the entity's persistence-type is Container. The optional cmp-version element may be present in the descriptor if the entity's persistence-type is Container.
If the persistence-type is Container and the cmp-version element is not specified, its value defaults to 2. The optional home and remote elements must be specified if the entity bean cmp-version is 1. The optional home and remote elements must be specified if the entity bean has a remote home and remote interface.
The optional local-home and local elements must be specified if the entity bean has a local home and local interface.
Either both the local-home and the local elements or both the home and the remote elements must be specified. The optional query elements must be present if the persistence-type is Container and the cmp-version is 2. The other elements that are optional are "optional" in the sense that they are omitted if the lists represented by them are empty. At least one cmp-field element must be present in the descriptor if the entity's persistence-type is Container and the cmp-version is 1.
The persistence-type element specifies an entity bean's persistence management type. The prim-key-class element contains the fully-qualified name of an entity bean's primary key class. If the definition of the primary key class is deferred to deployment time, the prim-key-class element should specify java.
The reentrant element specifies whether an entity bean is reentrant or not. The cmp-version element specifies the version of an entity bean with container-managed persistence.
The abstract-schema-name element specifies the name of the abstract schema type of an entity bean with cmp-version 2. For example, the abstract-schema-name for an entity bean whose local interface is com. Order might be Order. The cmp-field element describes a container-managed field. The field element includes an optional description of the field, and the name of the field.
The field-name element specifies the name of a container managed field. The name of the cmp-field of an entity bean with cmp-version 2. This field is accessed by methods whose names consists of the name of the field specified by field-name in which the first letter is uppercased, prefixed by "get" or "set". That's why the service extension of the ear file's name. Is there any 'official' manual or reference docu available which specifies those xml configuration persistence.
What kind of editor you guys use to edit those files? Thx in advance! Home Content Places Search Cancel. Error: You don't have JavaScript enabled. This tool uses JavaScript and much of it will not work correctly without it enabled. Please turn JavaScript back on and reload this page. Please enter a title. You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. You can use an orm. You can specify more than one orm. Understanding Deployment After you package your Java EE application, to execute the application and make it available to end users, you deploy it to OC4J.
Example application. What is the ejb-jar. EJB 3. For more information, see: "What is the toplink-ejb-jar. EJB 2. What is the orion-ejb-jar. For more information, see the following: "Configuring the orion-ejb-jar. What is the toplink-ejb-jar. XML Reference The toplink-ejb-jar. What is the ejb3-toplink-sessions. XML Reference The ejb3-toplink-sessions. What is the persistence. In this release, you can define persistence. A persistence unit is a logical grouping of the following: Entity manager: including, entity manager provider, the entity managers obtained from it, and entity manager configuration.
For more information, see the following: "Configuring the persistence. You deploy an application with an empty persistence. Acquiring an Entity Manager by Default Persistence Unit Name If your application specifies one and only one persistence unit either explicitly or by way of smart defaulting , you need not specify the persistence unit name when you acquire an entity manager.
What is the orm. For more information, see the following: "What is the persistence. All rights reserved. Legal Notices. Book List.