These manufacturers claim that the transmitter still gives accurate readings when in the pouch. However, the angle at which the sensor rests on top of a person's foot is slightly different from its angle inside a person's shoe.
Depending on how the piezoelectric crystals align within the sensor, this could affect the overall accuracy of the system.
Since its storage, software and battery power reside on the iPod Nano, the Sport Kit's receiver is a little simpler than the transmitter. It plugs into the Nano's dock connection with a multi-pin connector -- these pins carry data and power back and forth between the two devices. The receiver itself has only a few components, including a processor, a receiver, an antenna and several resistors and capacitors.
The receiver learns to recognize that particular sensor's identification code. If several people in one family use the same iPod but different sensors, the receiver can learn to recognize each sensor, and the Nano can store different settings for each user.
This system is flexible, and the foot The paper pointed out that the transmitter sends data regardless of whether the receiver is nearby or even plugged into an iPod. According to the paper's authors, this constant transmission could be used to invade a person's privacy.
The paper proposed several scenarios in which a Sport Kit could be used to track a person. The scenarios had a few technical requirements. In order to successfully track someone using the Sport Kit, a perpetrator must:. Several media outlets picked up on the story, and some asserted that the Sport Kit was an easy-to-hack RFID system that threatened people's privacy. PhatRat claims that the Sport Kit infringes on its wireless performance-tracking technology.
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Fitness Training Running. How Does the Nike Plus Work? By Bettinita Harris. Bettinita Harris. Bettinita Harris began writing in as a newspaper reporter and editor. She has a Bachelor of Science in journalism from the University of Kansas. The Nike Plus system allows runners to keep track of workout data wirelessly.
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