An SS officer arrives and lectures them about the realities of the concentration camp. It is a place where you are expected to work hard. To sum it up: work or die. The iron gate to this camp has an inscription: "work makes you free. The prisoner in charge is Polish. He is kind when he greets them and he tries to encourage them that liberation is on the way.
He also tells the new prisoners that the only way to survive is to help each other. They sleep and the next day their spirits are improved. They even get a bowl of soup for lunch. The next day, they are given numbers, tattooed on their arms. Eliezer becomes A They look for friends and relatives among the latest arrivals. Eliezer lies to Stein, saying he heard they are well. The prisoner who replaces him is vicious. Eliahou's Son A disloyal young man, Eliahou's son terrifies Elie by his behavior.
Rushing farther ahead than Rabbi Eliahou can manage, the son soon distances himself from the weakening old man, whose stumbling steps threaten to get them both shot as stragglers. Meir A ravenous son who kills his father for a crust of bread.
Meir dies when others attack him and grab the stolen bread. When an unidentified attacker tries to strangle Elie, his father calls on Meir Katz for help. Meir loses hope on the train ride to Gleiwitz when he recalls his son's selection for the crematories.
Mengele is armed with a military baton and wears a monocle as he conducts the methodical selection and selects all those too weak to work. Idek The crazed Kapo of the Buna warehouse, Idek appears to have no control over fits of violence. The Dentist from Czechoslovakia A predator who is hanged for enriching himself by collecting gold teeth, the Czech dentist tries to talk Elie out of his gold crown.
The Dentist from Warsaw A pawn of Franek, the Polish dentist pulls Elie's crown in the lavatory using a rusty spoon as an extractor. Previous About Night. Next Foreword. Removing book from your Reading List will also remove any bookmarked pages associated with this title. Are you sure you want to remove bookConfirmation and any corresponding bookmarks?
My Preferences My Reading List. Night Elie Wiesel. Character List. Adam Bede has been added to your Reading List! The entire experience at the concentration camp forces him to lose his faith in humanity and God. Later, he is seen as a transformed young man who cares for his survival. He is the first person to refuse deportation from Sighet and asks his community members to wait for the time.
Though he had crossed most of the barriers where life and death have equal chances, he becomes weak during his last march to Gleitwitz due to dysentery. He dies, asking for water. However, the love of the father can be witnessed by his last word.
He calls his son when the SS officer is about to throw him in a trench. Moishe has lasting impacts on the other characters, especially Eliezer. His first commitment to Kabbalah mysticism attracts Jews toward him to have firm faith in Judaism. However, his words stay with Eliezer and become a central thematic idea. That is why Eliezer, his chief disciple, seems us questioning during the genocide. The impact of his teachings appears in the shape of the worst religiosity of Eliezer as faithlessness.
Madame Schaechter is a crying and wailing woman who predicts the tragedy awaiting the Jews after reaching the camps in Auschwitz. He and Eliezer desperately try to remain together throughout their concentration camp ordeal. He is deported before the rest of the Sighet Jews but escapes and returns to tell the town what the Nazis are doing to the Jews.
Tragically, the community takes Moishe for a lunatic. Read an in-depth analysis of Moishe the Beadle. A Jewish Holocaust victim who gradually loses his faith in God as a result of his experiences in the concentration camp. A Jewish woman from Sighet who is deported in the same cattle car as Eliezer. She proves to be a prophetess, however, as the trains soon arrive at the crematoria of Auschwitz. A young musician whom Eliezer meets in Auschwitz.