It also has the ability to possess the corporeal form of any living being. In the Charmed series, the Hollow possessed the following list of characters during the three episodes it was written into manifesting during a show:. Approximately BC, the Elders saw the Titans as a risk to the world and themselves. So they unleashed the powers of the Greek gods onto mortals, who were then able to use that power to imprison the Titans for millennia.
Future Chris Halliwell travelled back to to warn the Charmed Ones of the impending danger of the Titans. When the Titans were released, their ultimate goal was to seek revenge against the Elders and rule over the world. Their first step then was to turn two Whitelighters to stone, and steal their ability to orb, as its the only way to get "up there. To fight them, Leo Wyatt went up to request the Greek gods assistance.
They later returned to find him, sensing someone was left up there. Eventually, they were defeated while on Earth, and the remaining Elders were able to return. Piper Halliwell was granted the powers of the Earth, a kind of "mother nature.
To destroy the Titans, Piper opened a chasm in the earth, in the conservatory, that swallowed the Titans. Cronus : was a Titan in Charmed, he appeared in Season 5 and worked with a fellow Titan named Demitrius to get revenge on the elders.
He could control fire. In Greek mythology , Cronus succeeded his father Uranus as ruler of the universe. He fathered the main twelve gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, including Zeus. He swallowed his children when they were born, with the exception of Zeus, so as to prevent them from overpowering him. Through a careful plan, Zeus was prevented from being swallowed by his cruel father, and was cared for and grew up to lead his other brothers and sisters to overthrow their father.
Demitrius : was a titan who controlled electricity and created thunderstorms. He was Meta's lover. Meta : was an ancient Titan, she worked with fellow Titans, Demitrius and Cronus, to get revenge on the Elders. She had the ability to turn people into stone by looking into their eyes and lighting fires when she is angry. She was Demitrius's lover.
Cronus killed her in "Oh My Goddess! The Titans in standard western Greek mythology Warlocks are an evil race of magical beings that are ex-human witch analogs dedicated to evil, just as Charmed Universe witches are dedicated to good. Unlike in other occult mileaus, the term "Warlock" here is not gender-specific and so refers to witches who have gone down the path of evil, rescinding their humanity after committing an irrevocable act of evil—where one of their selfish main goals is to expand their own powers by killing witches and stealing their powers.
An evil witch differs from a warlock in that they have not killed another witch to steal their powers, but rather use magic for personal gain and are willing to kill innocents instead of protecting them. Evil witches only become warlocks when they have killed good witches to steal their powers. When warlocks have children, the children will automatically be warlocks unless one of the child's parents is mortal, as evidenced by the character Brendan Rowe from the episode "When Bad Warlocks Turn Good" wherein Brendan Rowe is a half-warlock who is resolved to remain good and become a priest due to the fact that his mother was human.
It has also been stated in the episode "They're Everywhere" that warlocks do not bleed, but this has been contradicted by warlocks bleeding in other episodes.
This is a definite example of a problem with Retroactive continuity or "retcon". It is also established, later in the third season, that the power to blink from place to place instantly is an exclusive warlock power, which in some plotlines to come will also allow differentiation between evil witches and warlocks.
Witches in the Charmed universe are nearly always good characters aiding the battle for goodness and arrayed as the field forces on the pointy end, opposing evil and evil beings.
Witches frequently come into their active powers fairly young if they are powerful hereditary witches. Since such powers are coveted by evil power-stealing beings several types of Demons or Warlocks harvest such children if they are unprotected , it is not uncommon that a protective relative, coven leader, or whitelighter arranges for their powers to be bound until they are old enough to both use them responsibly but also can survive the likely inevitable attacks.
Whitelighters are " guardian angels ". They watch over unknown charges and intervene when necessary to help them along their path and keep them safe; they can also be called by their charges. They can constantly hear the lives of their charges in their heads, [ 8 ] and if one of them calls their Whitelighter's name, they can usually show up at a moment's notice.
The Angels of Destiny are the protectors and overseers of the Grand Design, ensuring that no one alters it unnaturally. They are portrayed as ethereal, graceful magical beings of the highest rank. Burge Erica Messer Debra J. Top credits Director John T. See more at IMDbPro. Photos Top cast Edit. Nick Lachey Leslie St. Claire as Leslie St. Thyne Danny as Danny. John Ross Bowie Marcus as Marcus.
John T. Storyline Edit. However, when the new Whitelighter is nearly killed by beasts, the Elders blame the attack on Leo. Trying to prove Leo's innocence, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige discover that the beasts are actually themselves, transformed by the blue moon.
Kyle tells Paige his story in reference to the new power. And the sisters, after seeing the floating heads themselves, believe that Leo is not so crazy after all. Add content advisory. I'm really enjoying all the actresses they've used to play the sisters looking like other people. The actress playing Piper at the funeral just nailed her physical mannerisms. You could tell it was Piper before Victor asked. And the woman playing Paige pretending to be Dex's ex-girlfriend sounded just like Paige.
Also, on a completely shallow note, did Brian Krause find a time machine? He looks five years younger. His face is thinner and his hair is way better. He looks great. Good for him. Season 2 - Probably because this is the season I started watching.
Loved the sisterly bonding, loved Prue starting her photography career, Amy Adams guest-starred, Morality bites, Phoebe was likable, Leo was likable. Generally a good season all around. I put this above season 6 because I think it's a little more grounded. Season 6 - Teenage me had a crush on Chris.
I loved the time travel aspect and the weird family bonds coming into play. And then the cheesy episodes are at least fun, which I can't say for other seasons.
Season 3 - I didn't hate Cole at first, I just was really sick of him by season five. Initially I like his and Phoebe's relationship and thought his early struggle with his evil nature vs his love for Phoebe was good. I loved seeing Piper and Leo get together. It was their first attempt at a longer arc with The Triad. Their dad makes some appearances and gets to rebuild his relationship with Prue a little before she died. Season 1 - Original sisters discovering their powers.
I love when they time travel to the 70s sensing a pattern here , John Cho was awesome, Melinda Warren, Andy. Good season. Season 4 - They handled the transition to Paige and the grief for Prue better than could be expected, but then Evil Cole gets really annoying as does Phoebe.
I was ready for that story to end long before it really did. I like Paige as a social worker and Phoebe getting the advice columnist job. Season 5 - I enjoyed Piper making the transition to motherhood and it set up one of my favorite things about later seasons Piper - her ability to have it all.
Badass witch, successful business, love, mother, but it's a struggle. But it took too long for Cole to die. Season 8 - Tough call on the last two. I rank this one above because of the finale. I'm a sucker for a happy ending and love confirmation that Chris is alive and happy, kicking demon ass with his brother in the future.
I also like Coop and Henry more than Brody. I understand why they thought they could, but they were wrong. I did like Charisma Carpenter as the Seer, but the Avatars and Zankou were lame and I hated the finale and the separation between the sisters and Darryl. I did enjoy seeing adult Wyatt back and good for "Imaginary Fiends. They always tend to be among my favorites :.
Note to self: Billy has arrived on scene on the morning TNT reruns. Time to find something else to do for a while. So much THIS. I am constantly wondering the same things! Why was Magic School abandoned? Can they take care of themselves now?
Is Victor watching them? Grams or Patty? Ugh, except for some occasional good stuff Phoebe being so casual "a spell, a potion, some kind of self growth" when Billie worries after putting on the belt with superpowers; the spark that is Paige and Henry , the writing is pretty bad. AV Club article on Charmed. Thanks for posting that, raven! For some odd reason I'm just seeing it now. I actually agree with a lot of their picks for standout episodes.
I'd have included a bunch from my beloved S3, of course, but unlike the more disciplined writer of this article, I would feel compelled to include a minimum favorite episodes rather than a mere 10 :. Speaking of which, what 15ish Charmed episodes would you guys have singled out as favorites?
And you know I have to ask again about how you'd rank the seasons from your favorite to least favorite I have to concede that I kind of love S2 more than I always think I do, thoughPhoebe is eminently lovable this season, there's a ton of classic sisterly bonding maybe more than any other season? Morality Bites and Pardon My Past tend to get mentioned the most, and understandably so, but I find myself wanting to rewatch Murphy's Luck more than almost any other episode.
It's an episode that forever makes Prue more nuanced and relatable to me. As much as I love Paige and a lot about the later seasons, this is one of those episodes that makes me get why many feel the first seasons were of higher quality and more substance overall.
I always had the feeling he character was meant to emulate David Addison played by Bruce Willis from " Moonlighting ". He was supposed to be the offbeat guy who would tell uptight Prue to lighten up. Unfortunately the actors had no chemistry and I was never interested in their romantic pairing.
Just have to jump in and say that the Cinderella costume in the fairy tale episode was one of the most hideous costumes I have very seen. Just had to get that off my chest. I tell myself that the wigs and costumes on this show were deliberately hideous because that kind of fits with the show's sense of camp, goofy humor and unapologetic over-the-top-ness ;.
Random question that someone on Tumblr asked: Do you guys prefer Morality Bites or Pardon My Past, often regarded as two of the season's series'?! I thought Morality Bites was the better of the two.
It gave them a profound lesson about their powers and Phoebe nearly sacrificing herself at the end was shocking and moving at the same time. Plus it gave us a look into what those poor women went through in Salem.
Gave me the shudders. I definitely prefer "Morality Bites. But it was a really important episode for the show to have, especially regarding the slippery slope that magic for personal gain could send them down.
Technically, no convicted witches were burned in Salem - or anywhere in the US. Most were either hanged or imprisoned indefinitely. To add insult to injury, they largely were victims of those who coveted their property women with no husbands or sons so they were accused to get them out of the way. I also prefer Morality Bites. Most everything about the episode works even if you get past the idea that one of the most liberal cities in the US would actually allow for the public burning of witches and it was a great introduction to how powerful the sisters could actually become; sadly, TPTB chose to screw that up in later seasons.
It also gave a a potential future antagonist in the form of Nathaniel Pratt. When Cole left the DAs office, I thought it was the perfect way to bring the character back and create new trouble for the sisters - but he was conveniently forgotten. You guys, something weird is happening to me while I rewatch: I'm actually really liking S6. The actor who plays Chris isn't especially great, but this time around I'm really enjoying his snark, pragmatism and how very DONE he is with our beloved sisters' nonsense at times.
He just adds a different energy. It's kind of fun to have someone else around to see our characters and their dynamic from a new perspective, you know?! With Piper depressed about Leo and understandably focused on being a suddenly single mom to Wyatt and dealing with Chris, Phoebe rather inexplicably, IMO! Now, about Paigeshe's actually a major highlight of this season for me, and I'm remembering why I'd recalled loving Paige most in this sixth season back when we first started reflecting back on the series.
I totally relate to her ongoing search for purpose, what she's meant to do, how she tends to look for meaning and 'signs' into everything that happens, how she's like this relatable, somehow not as contradictory as it sounds mixture of snarky, impatient cynicism and super helpful, eager cheerfulness. Her temp jobs amuse me and give us some new settings outside of the manor and P3.
Of the three sisters, she's the one most genuinely enthused about magic at this point of the series, and having at least one of the sisters enthused about their powers and their magical missions tends to make the show more fun for me. And while I'm mostly indifferent to Richard, Paige does seem to really like the guy. I do like how his presence brings up the issue of someone who's 'good' but can't handle having power. I'm also liking Piper a lot more than expected this season.
It's kind of interesting watching her deal with the Chris and Wyatt stuff. I've complained about her becoming excessively bitter and cranky in later seasons, but there's some real emotional depth to her this season. And while I don't like some of what they did with Leo this season, at least it's something a little different than using him as just an exposition fairy! And as far as the show's endless parade of interchangeable, pointless love interests go, Greg the fireman was at least pleasant and easy on the eyes.
Now for the hard partas much as I normally love and defend Phoebe, S6 is One thing I've always loved about her is how genuinely enthused she is about helping innocents, but through most of S6 she seems relatively indifferent. And Jason, like most of the show's other love interests, is a total yawn. Maybe worse than the usual yawn, actuallythere's something kind of rude, demanding, humorless and unpleasant about him at times.
I didn't see much chemistry between him and Phoebe and have no idea how or why they supposedly connected at all, let alone well enough for Phoebe to move to Hong Kong just to be with him.
Add in the fact that we have her whining endlessly about her 'empathy' power and that I don't really love how they felt the need to make her a 'celebrity' rather just a successful and fulfilled advice columnist something about the celebrity thing makes her less relatable, you know?!
Or maybe it's just that I can never quite get used to her super short hair. I'll keep them in mind as I watch! I love all the scenes where the girls discover Chris is Piper's son, but Paige's misunderstanding is absolutely hilarious. I actually really love all the scenes that play with the family dynamic of a time traveler in the family.
Like in Hyde School Reunion when Piper is convinced she's a terrible mother because Chris won't talk to her, but he can't lose her again. I love the Chris storyline but aside from that I can't remember very many things I enjoyed about this season.
Although the demon baby episode is one of my favorites despite Chris's absence. Season 6 was not among my favorites although it isn't any one thing I dislike. I always thought Magic School was pretty lame. I didn't have issues with Chris overall. I don't know, it just didn't contain my favorite episodes. My biggest complaint about magic school was that not only not mentioned before but it seems like was always there.
I feel like they could have had a nice tie to the past by having Max from season 1 be in the class Paige was teaching. Even if they couldn't get the actor back, they could have recast him.
The character could have been as senior in high school by then. I always thought this too! I didn't hate magic school entirely, but I felt they could have gone in a different direction for it. I think it would have been a good place to teach magic to young magical people who didn't have anyone else that could teach it to them. Max would work perfectly. His powers came from his witch mother, who died, and his father doesn't know how to handle this aspect of his son.
And he certainly can't guide him in the Wiccan tradition. There are probably a lot of kids like Max who have powers but no one to teach them how to use them. Plus it just turned up magically pun intended out of nowhere as just a safe place to hide the kids. Then it became a place for Gideon to reside as he was plotting and planning. I actually agree with most of what you wrote, 4eva!
S4 is probably the highest quality season to me if not always the most rewatchable in large part because of how they deal with Prue's death, allowing us to see its poignant, far reaching effects while simultaneously moving forward with new characters and storylines. Another bonus is that I liked how endearingly vulnerable S4 Paige was. And that Cole was still a pretty fascinating, compelling character to me. And that Leo and Piper were still a relatively healthy, loving couple who I adored.
And that the 'dark queen' arc, while not exactly featuring Phoebe at her most likable, was still probably the best written arc of the series. The tricky thing for me is that Prue's departure from the show just happened to coincide with other developments that I'm less enthused aboutan ever increasing emphasis on various men and poorly written romances over the sisterly bond, less grounded storylines in favor of lurching between over-the-top silliness and equally over-the-top melodrama, Phoebe and Piper being written as less consistent and lovable IMO, obviously , etc.
I sound like I hate later seasons, and I don't! In fact, I've gone through stages where I'm actually more partial to the later seasons and find them more fun, amusing and just entertaining than many earlier episodes. I even like the blatant Hogwarts ripoff that is 'the Magic School.
Then again, most shows get a little lost by their fifth or so season, so there's no guarantee that the show would have been better if Prue had stayed. For me, seasons will always be the superior seasons. They dynamic of the show changed after Prue died, and not in a good way. They lost sight of what the show was about at its core, sisterhood, and relied to much on the introduction of magical creatures and magic school.
By the way I absolutely detested magic school and I've always felt that was a cheap way to get the Harry Potter fans to watch, and it just wasn't good I'm also not a fan of the "Saving Wyatt" storyline that is all of season 6.
He had a built in blueprint there. I happened to tune into today's episode on TNT - the one in which Phoebe "the baby made me do it! Something that would continue as the show progressed. He wanted to play someone like his part in "Army Wives". I can't imagine too many fans wanting to see someone else play Chris. Also, The WB wanted jiggle, thinking sex would save their dying network, like what they tried to do on Charmed..