ALL POSTS I have a weird bug where farkas will not leave me alone when i am in or behind Jorrvaskar he keeps engaging in conversation and the same is happenin with Vilkas and so i cant go with them as a follower because in the middle of a fight he talks to me and never fights help?
Bugs Vilkas Farkas. I have also had a Problem with Farkas. Can i get some help? I don't know if this is just me, but when Farkas transforms the first time, if I go after him, he'll turn back into a werewolf and always be a werewolf, even in Jorrvaskr Does anyone else have this happen? I just walked out of Dragon's reach after taking some stuff from his quarters for enchanting.
Needed some random clothes from someone with good disposition. While inside, I accidently stole a poison, but put it back because this character doesn't roll that way.
I wasn't seen, and didn't accrue any bounty. But now Farkas keeps talking to me and initiating the training dialogue for heavy armor. According to some wiki talk, it sounds like he's flagged as a guard and he's trying to initiate arrest, but like I said I have no stolen items in my inverntory or bounty.
How can I stop him from doing this constantly? Is there a way to take away the guard flag without causing other side effects? Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments. Delta View Profile View Posts. Tried loading an earlier save? I'm in the act of going back through recent saves to see where he does it, but I think my furthest back save already has the stolen and dropped poison mishap. EDIT: got to the last of them. Yeah, he's doing it in all of them. I literally don't know why.
Farkas following me, everywhere. He wielded then sheathed his sword about one hundred times and started talking about the companions. This made me screw up the part of the main quest times, as I couldn't talk to the other 'quest people'. After hitting level 25 today I decided to go into that place where the companions chill out; He saw me. Followed me. Now I can't fast travel and I don't want to kill him because my bounty is already too high. New user so point me in right direction if I posted this in wrong place or duped etc.
Samuhell New Member. If you've got a bounty then that will cause him to follow you maybe even attack this is due to him being set as a guard for whiterun.
Ideally if you can get an actual Whiterun Guard to arrest you then you will lose your bounty and that should resolve the Farkas issue. Useful x 1. I'll try tomorrow morning but that doesn't explain why he followed me at the start of the game?