Radiation and Your Health. Radiation Testing. Non-Ionizing Radiation. Section: Publications Publications. Environmental Sciences. Fact Sheets - General Radiation. Fact Sheets - Technical Radiation. Radioactive Materials. Waste Management. Section: Radiation Topics Radiation Topics. Hanford and Public Health. Child Pages Radioactive Consumer Products.
Radioactive Products - FAQs. Radiation Myths and Facts. Regulatory Guidance. Section: Radioactive Materials Radioactive Materials. Child Pages Licensing. Technical Assistance Providers. Training - Radioactive Materials. Digital x-ray exposure is remarkably low, compared to traditional film x-rays. To give you some perspective, the American Nuclear Society says that the average radiation level that a person is exposed to naturally per year is millirems mrems per year.
A safe allowable dose for nuclear plant workers, who get exposed to radiation each day in their work, is 5, mrems per year. Here are some examples of common exposures to radiation, so you can see how dental x-rays stack up:. X-rays are extremely beneficial in early detection and treatment of cavities. This may help you understand how the benefits you receive from x-rays far outweigh the minimal exposure of radiation.
December 30, Share this Article. Routine films allow us to diagnose small cavities and stop them before they become bigger and more costly problems. Additionally, x-rays allow the dentist to examine the mandible and maxilla for any unusual growths or abnormalities.
While cancer and tumors of the jaw are rare, the prognosis is always better the earlier you treat these areas. While digital x-rays do emit a very small amount of radiation, it is clear that the benefits greatly outweigh any minimal risks.
Jay Robertson joined our practice in July When not at work, Dr. How much radiation is used during dental x-rays?