Department of Education. School Directory Information school year. School Name: Noblesville High School. District Name: Noblesville Schools district information. Phone: Type: Regular school. Diversity Equity Inclusion. Little Millers Preschool.
Education Foundation. Miller Mall Spirit Wear. New Student Enrollment. Miller Ambassadors. Skip to Main Content. District Home. Select a School Select a School. Our dealings with this school district's top administrators were anything but pleasant. If you ever have a situation come up that requires talking to one of these holier than thou people, be prepared to be laughed at and ridiculed, as they are the most insensitive, uncaring, buck passing group of "professionals" I have ever had to deal with.
Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Noblesville High School. Rate Noblesville High School! Other helpful SchoolDigger resources Sign up for updates! Be the first to know when there is an update for Noblesville High School! Department of Education, the U.
Census Bureau and the Indiana Department of Education. We make every effort to ensure that school and district boundary data are up-to-date. View alumni from Noblesville High School at Classmates. Noblesville High School is ranked 76th out of ranked schools in Indiana, for total students on lunch assistance. The percentage of Noblesville High School students on free and reduced lunch assistance This may indicate that the area has a lower level of poverty than the state average.
Students at a participating school may purchase a meal through the National School Lunch Program. Data provided by the National Center for Education Statistics. The data displayed is compiled from the most recent sources available. For public schools this is the school year.