If you have had unprotected sex during or after missing more than 8 pills in a row, contact your doctor, nurse, pharmacist or Healthline for advice. Vomiting and ongoing diarrhoea can stop your body absorbing your pill, which may stop it from working.
A few medicines such as some epilepsy medicines, antibiotics and herbal supplements may interact with the pill and lessen its effectiveness, so always check with your doctor or pharmacist before starting any new medicine. The content on this page will be of most use to clinicians, such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists, specialists and other healthcare providers. In February oral contraceptives have been re-classified in New Zealand, which means that some combined oral contraceptives and progesterone only pills can be purchased from your pharmacy without a prescription, under certain circumstances.
There are some instances in which the pill cannot be purchased without a prescription from your pharmacy such as:. Looking for Where to get medical help A health professional or service Patient portals Newsletters View all.
Information for healthcare providers on combined oral contraceptive pill The content on this page will be of most use to clinicians, such as nurses, doctors, pharmacists, specialists and other healthcare providers.
When can the pill be purchased without a prescription? The pill can be purchased without a prescription, under the following circumstances: Customers must be between the ages of 16 and 39 years for the combined oral contraceptive, and between 16 and 52 years for progesterone only pill.
Women must have had them prescribed by their doctor within the past 3 years. Pharmacists will be able to sell up to 6 months supply at a time. Pharmacists must receive approved training.
Who cannot purchase the pill without a prescription from their pharmacy? There are some instances in which the pill cannot be purchased without a prescription from your pharmacy such as: Women under the age of 16 years.
Women who are using the pill for the first time. Women with risk factors that require medical supervision. Option 2: Have a period every few months Take the hormone pills for 21 days, then go straight on to taking the hormone pills from a new packet, missing the 7 non-hormone pills. Serious side effects are rare. If you take the pill and you smoke, you will be more at risk of stroke or heart attack. Some pills can increase the risk of blood clots in the legs from 2 in 10, people per year to 6 times that rate.
Research shows that even if there is a risk of breast cancer, it is small. Before you start taking the pill, the nurse or doctor will ask you if you or anyone in your family has had breast cancer. Whether you take the pill or not, you should get a cervical smear every three years. People can get the subsidised HPV vaccine to prevent cervical cancer up to 26 years old. Even 30 years after stopping the pill you will still have a lower risk. This is cancer of the lining of the uterus.
Even 15 years after stopping the pill you will still have a lower risk. You need to use condoms and lubricant to protect yourself from sexually transmissible infections STIs. If there is a chance you may have an STI, have a check-up. Family Planning has clinics located throughout New Zealand. If you are interested in using the birth control pill to manage your acne, talk to your doctor. One of the most common positive side effects of taking oral contraceptives is with your period.
Many women experience lighter and shorter periods when taking Levlen. When you take hormonal birth control pills, the monthly bleeding that happens during the sugar pill week is called withdrawal bleeding because your body is withdrawing from the lack of hormones. When your hormone levels drop, the lining of your uterus sheds. In general, it is safe to skip your period while on the pill.
Because Levlen comes in a pack of 28 pills 21 active, 7 sugar pills , you can skip the sugar pills and start a new pack to continuously maintain the level of hormones in your body. Like any prescription medication, there are some side effects of Levlen you should be aware of. Mild side effects include: - Nausea - Vomiting - Stomach pain together with bleeding - Headache, including migraines - Dizziness - Mood changes, including depression - Breast tenderness or pain.
For breast lumps, review with your doctor as soon as possible. Finding the right combination of hormones to suit your body and needs may take a bit of trial and error.
You might find the perfect pill for you on your first try, or you might need to try a few different brands before you find the best birth control pill for you. It is used to prevent pregnancy and can have positive side effects related to managing acne and period symptoms.
The effectiveness is reduced because women take it irregularly, or because they have diarrhoea and vomiting, or they take medicine that can affect pill absorption. You are not protected against pregnancy until you have taken hormonal pills for seven days. It is important to not be more than 24 hours late when taking the combined pill. Serious health problems with the Pill are rare. Smoking increases the risk of harmful effects.
The Pill is not suitable for women with the following conditions:. In any of these scenarios, keep taking the Pill but use some other form of contraception e. BUT if these seven days run into the end of your packet then miss the seven inactive pills and start taking the hormone pills in the next packet. If you are not sure which pills are inactive, ask your doctor or local pharmacist.
Some newer versions of the Pill are effective from the first day they are taken. Ask your health practitioner or local pharmacists which type you are using. The progestogen makes the cervical mucus thicken.