What does siento mal mean

I feel badly for you because life is like this Quiero decir que me siento mal por ti. I mean, I feel sad for you. Me siento mal por ti. I feel sad for you. Me siento mal por ti , en serio. I really do. Me siento mal por ti , de veras. I feel bad for you , really. Me siento mal por ti , chico. I feel bad for you , kid. Me siento mal por ti , Dylan. I feel bad for you , Dylan. Me siento mal por ti , amigo. Why are you applying for assitant manager.

What is the definition of an abelian group. Q: What does siento mal means in English? Write your answer Related questions. Lo Siento in English? What does Soy una mala novia you siento tan mal means?

What does lo siento mean in English? How do you say I am not well in Spanish? How do you say i feel bad in spanish? What is the English translation of the Spanish phrase Lo siento? How do you say Lo siento in English? What does en tanto que mean in English? What does muy mal mean in English? What do mal mean in spanish? What is i me siento alegre siendo yo in English?

What does me siento mejor gracias mean in english? What does the spanish word 'Mal' mean in English? What is pas mal et toi in English? What does estoy mal translate to in English? Someone enlighten me please lol. Why "lo" and not "soy" or "yo soy"? I feel sorry do you know how to translate it in spanish? Also is sorry an emotion if it is which verb we should use ,estar or ser??

Lo siento, estoy mal it says the correct answer is Sorry "i'm" unwell. I put sorry "i am" unwell and it was wrong apparently i'm isn't short for i am on this app to teach languages. So why not malo? What's the difference? As an aside, Duolingo sends me emails when someone replies to a discussion I'm in, but the links are always broken.

The literal translation of "Lo siento" is "I feel it;" the meaning is "I'm sorry" kind of "I feel for you. I do not believe your first sentence is correct. Malo is an adjective and mal is an adverb. Therefore "Estoy malo" means "I am bad" while "Estoy mal" means "I am ill unwell. I said "Sorry, I'm unwell". In English I don't have to identify myself twice I'm in a sentence.

Just different. For how you feel and where you are, always use the verb estar. That is why estoy is used as the verb. It tells how you feel. Just for fun, here is an alternative. Estoy arrepentido. No me siento bien. I am regretful. I do not feel well. I translated the sentence " I am sorry I am bad" but the response that my answer was wrong and I should translate mal "unwell".. Yes, Veronica. I know it's a year later - but still - some things don't change in a year ;- "I'm" is a contraction for "I am" and you can use it with total confidence.

Im sorry china, im unwell you gave me corona [Somebody pls translate that into japanese or spanish]. Where in the English language is the word "unwell" used? I think that "not well" should be accepted. Maybe where you live and how you feel, Randy. I would say, "I'm not well. But I have never heard anyone say"I am unwell. I can not find any difference between "bad" and "unwell" i think my answer should have been accepted.

You can't say "you are bad" as that is describing your behavior. You CAN say," I feel bad" to say you are ill or sick. Big difference in meanings! One more meaning of " I am bad" is slang and means you are so cool as in hip.

In English there is not a term "unwell" the opposite of "well" is "sick" or "I am feeling bad " or even "I am feeling poorly". There's definitely a term "unwell," but I've mostly heard elderly people use it.

The word is becoming rare. Get started. January 19, August 19, February 9, Correct Sentence: Lo siento, estoy malo. Lo siento, me siento mal.

Hope that helps. April 13, March 21, May 25, June 3, November 30, November 6, Cedriko1 What does it mean: I am evil. February 20, July 1, Nancy That's wrong, it's "estoy mal" for saying "i'm wrong" "soy malo" for "i'm bad". Estoy mal is for saying I am ill. Soy una persona mala is I am a bad person. I don't think you just say "I am bad". May 26, Jerd Plus Mal es un adverbio. February 14, July 24, June 23, July 25, I put " sorry I'm not well " so duo marked it incorrect!!

June 27, July 27, August 5, I put Im sorry I am not well and got it wrong too. July 6, March 17, July 4, July 9, DorisGodleyA July 5, WafelJongen May 29, That is so true. Who says "unwell" these days? February 6, Lots of people, at least in England.

Spanish me siento mal por ella. English i feel bad for her. Spanish ahora me siento mal. English now i feel bad. English i feel bad for him.

Spanish con lo que. English whereupon. Spanish me siento orgullosa de lo que tengo. English if i have it, i'll flaunt it.


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