A cutting score is a number set by the Marine Corps which acts as a threshold for promotion to Cpl and Sgt. To calculate a score , click Predict. Divide the total by 3. Multiply the result by These marks end up becoming record for a Marine's performance; these marks will be used to determine eligibility for reenlistment, qualification for certain types of duty assignments, characterization of service upon discharge, and computation of composite scores for promotion.
The time required for promotion to Lance Corporal is nine months of active service. This is the amount of time you have been in your current rank. Marines who have served 6 months active duty as a Private are eligible for promotion to Private First Class PFC , as long as their service is deemed satisfactory by the Commander. Time spent in boot camp does count towards the required 6 months.
The same requirement exists for reservists as well. That means that someone has to Get out, Die, or get Promoted for you to advance to the next rank.
The Meritorious Mast is a formal and ceremonial acknowlegment recognizing an enlisted person being awarded a Letter of Appreciation, Certificate of Commendation, or a personal decoration whenever personal performance is considered noteworthy or commendable beyond the usual requirements of duty by a demonstration of.
Your composite score , or overall ACT score , is the average of your scores on each test. Add up your English, Math, Reading, and Science scores and divide by 4. Round to the nearest whole number. In addition to mission accomplishment, which three attributes should be considered when recommending proficiency marks?
Intellect and wisdom, individual character and personal appearance. To make sergeant E-5 requires at least 24 months in the service and 12 months as an E In practice, most people spend a lot more time than the minimum of time getting up to these ranks. The typical sergeant has anywhere from five to eight years of time in service.
These dates and eligibility guidelines can all get very complicated if a Marine has been punitively or administratively reduced in grade, and I would recommend consulting the reference or your Admin to determine when you will be eligible again. Read that sentence again. It is possible for the command to hand calculate your score, if the missing data is due to an administrative error and not your own shit baggery. If that hand computed score is above the cutting score you would be eligible for remedial promotion consideration.
Your composite score is only computed for the first month of each promotion quarter, so you are stuck with it until the next quarter. I have created a score calculator on KillFoot that should be accurate as possible. Daly on August 25th, We are the 1 source and most advanced cutting scores website for the USMC providing you with quick scores, graphs and many other tools.
If you have a way in which we can improve please feel free to contact us and let us know! Composite Score Calculate your composite score for the next 4 quarters based on your defined scores. All calculators comply with the latest Marine Corps standards as of: Contact Us Birthday Message.
Score News:. Posted 2 weeks, 3 days ago. Nicholas on October 26th, cutting scores for November have been released for Active Duty.