When was the introduction of the nhs

Is social care getting more money? What's the cost of care in your area? Department of Health. Image source, Getty Images. Many more staff are employed. Money, money, money. It takes a greater share of the public purse. But charges have had to be brought in. Elsewhere in the UK they have been made free again.

Bed numbers have been cut. People live longer. Babies are less likely to die. Vaccination has saved lives. But as the population ages the causes of deaths have changed. The most notable of these is dementia. Related Topics. Published 20 June Published 8 February Published 6 January Published 12 December The NHS budgeted for one million pounds for opticians, but within a year 5.

In doctors issued 7 million prescriptions per month, which rose to 19 million per month in The poor gained access to doctors and a range of treatments previously beyond their means, and no longer needed to worry economically about illness or injury.

But it was not only the poor who benefited, as the middle classes also made full use of the NHS. In the first year, from a total of , hospital beds, only 2. Many groups, including charities, churches and local authorities didn't want the government taking control of hospitals. There was a particularly bitter battle with the London County Council over the control of hospitals in the capital.

Even more serious was the opposition of doctors who disliked the idea of becoming employees of the state. Doctors were in an extremely powerful position, as without them the National Health Service NHS could not operate, and the government was forced to make a number of compromises. General Practitioner GP surgeries remained private businesses that could be bought and sold, and the NHS effectively gave these practices contracts to provide health care.

Only the most senior doctors in hospitals consultants were allowed to continue private treatment. Similar compromises were worked out with dentists. Aneurin Bevan conceded these points in order to make the NHS work, but he was not happy with them. From the s onwards the scale and quality of the treatment provided by the National Health Service NHS improved, and between and the number of doctors doubled.

This online book is the new home of NHShistory. The book traces the story of the NHS, recounting how it was set up, what happened next, and why. It was written by Geoffrey Rivett , and the resource is now maintained and updated by the Nuffield Trust.

In this article, we talk about key developments that have led to the health service we have now. Want to keep learning? This content is taken from The King's Fund online course,.

This content is taken from The King's Fund online course. Share this post. See other articles from this course. This article is from the online course:.

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