The payment due date are listed above under Important Dates. Please be sure that you understand the payment procedures, as unpaid charges can result in holds that affect important items like your ability to register for courses. The most commonly purchased passes for Harvard Chan students are the Local Bus Pass includes unlimited travel on local buses and the Link Pass includes unlimited travel on local buses and subway lines.
Both of these passes cost the same. However, the Link Pass offers unlimited travel on subway and local bus lines while the Zone 1A pass offers the same coverage as the Link Pass subway and bus with the addition of Zone 1A commuter rail stops. The Link Pass is picked up once, lasts for the semester and can be replaced when lost.
The Zone 1A Pass is available to be picked up towards the end of each month i. If you lose your Bus or Link pass email studentaffairs hsph. This can take a week or more. No, the MBTA administers the semester pass program only provides semester passes for the fall and spring. The summer months are not part of the program. No, deadlines are set by the MBTA so they are not flexible.
Orders placed or changed after the order deadline cannot be completed. You can submit your completed form and payment to the Office of Student Life: By email to studentlife the-bac. Students who have ordered any of the bus passes or the LINK pass only have to pick up a pass once at the beginning of the semester.
Students who have ordered a Zone or Boat pass must pick up a new pass for each month. Need More Assistance? These passes offer unlimited rides from February 1, to May 31, Listed below are the various passes available and their costs.
Please consider your purchase carefully with the understanding that your purchase is final and that there can be no cancellations or refunds. Boston College will accept payment by credit card only. Employees are eligible to purchase MBTA passes through www. If you have any questions concerning the routes, contact the MBTA directly at or visit www. For questions concerning purchasing MBTA passes or for lost passes purchased through our office, contact the Office of Student Services at or