Why did tywin go to kings landing

It is a secret that could destroy House Lannister if it ever got out. But did Tywin know about it? He is as appalled by the rumors as anyone and hates how it tarnishes his family name, but did he think it was true? If so, wouldn't he have done everything he could to put a stop to it before it destroyed his legacy? Tywin is not someone who has a lot of love in his heart, but it's still shocking how much he mistreats his son Tyrion. He seems to blame Tyrion for the death of his wife in childbirth and thinks Tyrion brings shame to his family.

However, given how smart Tyrion is and how he proved himself in war time and time again, Tywin should have recognized that Tyrion was probably his best chance at having a lasting legacy he could be proud of.

One of the things Tywin hates Tyrion for is how he often visits brothels and frequently spends time with prostitutes. He sees it as an immature act that brings shame to his house. He specifically forbids Tyrion from allowing Shae to accompany him to King's Landing. Tyrion disobeys Tywin, but later Tywin has Shae testify against Tyrion at his trial. But in the ultimate hypocritical move, Tyrion later finds Shae in Tywin's bed chambers.

It's not surprising that Tywin has amassed a lot of enemies over the years. He doesn't seem to mind having so many, either, but it is strange that he chooses to surround himself by people that will likely try to seize his power at any given moment. In King's Landing, Tywin fills his circle with the likes of Olenna Tyrell and Littlefinger, people who match his high level of cunning. While it could be argued that he wanted to keep a close eye on his enemies, he fails to see their treachery coming.

Tywin Lannister was a huge influence on three kings in his lifetime. Perhaps I was wrong. Tyrion Lannister: Half wrong. I'm new to strategy, but unless we want to be surrounded by three armies, it appears we can't stay here. Tywin Lannister: No one will stay here. The rest of us will regroup at Harrenhal. And you will go to King's Landing. Tywin Lannister: Rule. You will serve as Hand of the King in my stead. You will bring that boy king to heel, and his mother too, if needs be.

And if you get so much as a whiff of treason from any of the rest — Baelish, Varys, Pycelle…. Tyrion Lannister: Heads, spikes, walls. Why not my uncle? Why not anyone? Why me? It's also worth noting that Tywin is Hand of the King at that moment in time. However, he is too busy at war to go back and lead at King's Landing. He was playing to the strengths of his family, Tyrion ruling and himself fighting and being a strategist.

Tyrion's thoughts on the matter are elaborated on a bit more in this scene. He sends Tyrion, and not an uncle of someone else, because Tywin has given up on Jaime.

That means Tyrion is now his only son, in his head, and so he needs to rely on him more to carry on House Lannister. He finished his wine and set the cup aside, thoughtful. A part of him was more pleased than he cared to admit. Another part was remembering the battle upriver, and wondering if he was being sent to hold the left again. Why not a … bigger man?

That was when he knew. You have given him up for lost, he thought. You bloody bastard, you think Jaime's good as dead, so I'm all you have left. Tyrion wanted to slap him, to spit in his face, to draw his dagger and cut the heart out of him and see if it was made of old hard gold, the way the smallfolks said. Yet he sat there, silent and still. And if you get so much as a whiff of treason from any of the rest — Baelish, Varys, Pycelle".

I gave you real power and authority. You chose to spend your days as you always have, bedding harlots and drinking with thieves.

Thoros of Myr recalls how, following the sack of the city, the bodies of Aegon and Rhaenys were presented by the Mountain before the Iron Throne. Jaime reveals to Brienne that, when his father marched to the gates of King's Landing, both Jaime and Varys advised Aerys not to trust Tywin.

Aerys, however, followed Pycelle 's counsel and had the city gates opened, allowing the Lannister forces to sack the city. Jaime advised Aerys to surrender, only for the Mad King to demand Jaime bring him his father's head and order Rossart to ignite the caches of wildfire hidden throughout the city to burn it to the ground with all its inhabitants.

Jaime killed Rossart and then Aerys, who kept muttering "burn them all" as he died. Aerys seemingly believed the massive wildfire inferno would also transmute him into a dragon. Afterward, Eddard Stark reached the throne room and found Jaime along with Aerys's corpse. During the Lannister-Sparrow conflict , Cersei uses some of the remaining of Aerys's hidden wildfire caches to destroy her enemies.

King's Landing is sacked yet again, but this time the destruction and massacre are far more extensive. During Robert's Rebellion, the forces of Houses Stark , Baratheon , Arryn and Tully had fought against those Houses owing direct allegiance to House Targaryen , but of the other Great Houses only House Tyrell had sworn themselves to the Mad King's cause, and most of their forces were tied down in the south, besieging the Baratheon stronghold of Storm's End.

The Martells were insulted by Rhaegar having started the war in the first place by taking Lyanna Stark as a lover, dishonoring his own marriage to Elia. Upon hearing about Rhaegar's death, Aerys sent Queen Rhaella and Viserys to Dragonstone, but insisted on keeping Elia and her children by his side as hostages against possible Dornish betrayal; thus, Aerys was indirectly responsible for the deaths of Elia and her children.

During the fighting, House Greyjoy refused to take any part though they did carry out some minor raids on loyalist holdings towards the end of the conflict as a token gesture to appease the rebels when Robert's victory became a forgone conclusion and House Lannister similarly sat out the bulk of the war. Tywin felt insulted by many of the Mad King's own actions in the preceding years such as rejecting a proposed marriage between Tywin's daughter Cersei and Rhaegar and appointing Tywin's first son and heir Jaime to the Kingsguard - normally a great honor, but which insulted Tywin because it meant Jaime could not inherit Tywin's lands and title.

However, after Robert's victory at the Battle of the Trident , Tywin, realizing the war was as good as won, rushed his army to King's Landing. In front of the city gates, he proclaimed that the Lannister force had come to defend the city from the rebel army rushing south under Eddard Stark. Following the advice of Pycelle, Aerys had the city gates opened to the "reinforcements", only for the Lannister troops to betray the city defenders and put them to the sword.

The city was brutally sacked, with thousands of smallfolk caught up in the fighting and killed as well as soldiers on both sides.

In later years, Tywin explained his reasons for acting with such haste; with the war nearly over, Tywin knew House Lannister's loyalty to the new regime would forever be in doubt unless he proved unequivocally he had forsaken all loyalty to the Targaryens. Tywin also relates that he feared a delay might bring him into conflict with Eddard, who was marching on King's Landing from the Trident, along with his fear that Jaime, still in the king's power, might do something stupid or Aerys might kill him out of sheer spite.


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