Why is ahri so good

If she randomly ults you can get easy Charms on her. Once you're fed this match-up is really easy, but I'll put it at even because if you don't snowball well she wins. Morgana mid-lane on her own is not a threat in the slightest, she will never kill you on her own and her whole kit revolves around just pushing the lane and making every lane match-up neutral, making it impossible to kill her.

What you have to really worry about is what her jungler is and later on in the game, her bindings and the target of her Black Shields.

Pretty fun match-up! It's quite even, slightly leaning towards the Syndra if both players are decently matched. Focus on dodging her Q harass early game and get some early boots. Merc Treads are very valuable in this match-up, and depending on what their jungle pick is, so is Cleanse. One of the most even match-ups you'll have on mid lane. Pre-6 she wins this, her early game harass with Q combined with Aery and Scorch is pretty scary.

Post-6 with good play from you you'll win the all-in and when you snowball it's hard for Orianna to do much. Bird bitch is just going to make your life hell. Anivia's weakest point is her early game and Ahri can't punish her because hers is not that great either. Without jungle attention, Anivia is just going to perma-push the wave once she is level 6 and free-scale, 1v1 opportunities are slim as it's hard to kill her once, let alone through her egg again.

Your jungler has to come mid to force her egg and Flash off CD for you to even attempt to kill her, but the easiest route is to match her wave shove and look for bot lane roams, as she's quite slow and not a good roamer. You'll see a trend with AD based junglers paired with Ahri so the mid can't just buy MR and be effective vs. Another AD based jungler with CC, the perfect jungler to start fights for you and you can follow her up quite easily. Her level 2 ganks are nasty and her ult is a guaranteed kill even if the enemy has Flash.

Another AD jungler that can level 2 gank. His ult doesn't guarantee kills as much as the other AD junglers because it's not CC, but vs.

One of the best supports you can have, Alistar has a combo where it's pretty much point and click, allowing you to follow up for an easy Charm into oneshot, and he's super tanky with his ultimate too so he can possibly get off more combos. Her low cooldown Q is great for picks, which allow you to follow up with ease, and her Black Shield allows you to be more aggressive with your ultimate.

Join or Log In. Join the leading League of Legends community. Create and share Champion Guides and Builds. Login Social Login. Create Account Social Register. Vote Vote. Ahri Build Guide by Vicksay [ Build Guide By Vicksay Follow. Guide Discussion 89 More Ahri Guides. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. You can even win prizes by doing so! I liked this Guide.

I didn't like this Guide. Vote Comment. Comment Would you like to add a comment to your vote? Thank You! Vicksay's Featured Video. Play Video. Runes: Standard Ahri runes Domination. Spells: 1 2. Standard choice Flash. Ranked 65 in Middle Lane. Items CDR build. Situational items 1. Situational items 2. Example build 2 vs. Example build 3 vs. Orb of Deception Q Q. Fox-Fire W W. Charm E E. Spirit Rush R R. Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny. Show All. None Low Ok Strong Ideal.

Extreme Threats. Ideal Synergies. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Ahri counters well. Ahri gets countered. Hello everyone! I have achieved Diamond 1 every single season since Season 4, hitting Master in almost all seasons multiple times, playing a mixture of Ahri , Viktor , Aurelion Sol , and Zoe over the years, reaching LP Master in Season I am a partnered Twitch streamer and a partnered YouTuber , and I like to stream every single day, while posting frequent videos to my YouTube.

If you want to ask any questions on my channel or in the comments section below, please do! My Ahri win-rate on my mid-Master account, Vicksy this season. Gameplay Videos. Pros and cons. Summoner Spells. Flash and Ignite. These are in my opinion the best runes by far for Ahri , and they fit my play-style very well.

Anni, malz fizz can do that. Even if you are outmatched in 1v1, you can play defensive, clear waves and sustain with passive. And use your skills in teamfights. Blind picking him is very risky. So not that far off. Yeah thats why i usually just look for only EUW. KR is also kind of misleading, because KR has an overall higher skill level, higher average mechnical skill and different game pace.

Its more relevant to top elo and pro players, but its little of value for the lower elos. The winrates can differ simply because of the different prevalent playstyles. Win rate is a terrible metric dia and above because of small sample sizes. Even if it's high-ish in low elo, it's more because of low skill floor rather than then her being strong.

Anyone can make a gold smurf, pick ahri, afk farm and turn every game into a coinflip just by not feeding. Ahri's been in my champion pool for many years. Im not super high elo but I guarantee you ahri has never been so shitty like in season 10 and I see data sets which is a lot more then most surveys use. Its not "very few" just because its small to the overall playerbase.

You compare a champ to its winrate in its elo. Most gold players are not smurfs, and why should the smurfs only play ahri? Yeah the skillfoor is lower in gold, but again, you compare a champ to its elo. She has higher winrate than easy smurf rolers like Zed, Kata, Akali, Leblanc. So what pros and top players do is not as relevant. And i never said she is super impressive with her winrate, im just saying shes not "utter garbage" like many here make her out to be. I mean, of course kat is down below, she is actually difficult to play, so there are a lot of first time kats tanking her win rate.

Everyone keeps adding different links lol. It has only 85 recorded matches for EUW while op. Im not sure how few data sets u. Im not sure. It has only 85 recorded matches for EUW while op. Im not sure how few data sets u. Im not sure. So im not sure how you come to the surefire conclusion she is definitly the worst mid lane in the game. Know her strengths vs others.

Get a feel for her playstyle because it might not be for you. People like Veigar but my not like Ahri. This account has been compromised and is currently being controlled by a bot.

It posted a bunch of shitty comments so I am giving it justice served. This account's IP address is Ahri is consistently an A-tier or middle-tier champ in tier lists and has a low ban rate.

While she isn't an OP solo carry, she isn't the worst either and can be a good main. The higher your elo the more the meta matters, so if you are above Platinum or want to climb past that then absolutely keep up with tier lists and play those champions instead. However you can main any champion to Platinum, since up to that point is more focused on macro big picture gameplay and people are mastering the essentials. The biggest factor in everything though is whether or not you enjoy playing her, since there are players above Platinum that are Ahri gods and make really fun plays.

Commit to a champion you care about so you can enjoy your games! Also, she gets a lot of skins so if you're into aesthetics that's a nice bonus :. Ahri has So apart from challenger which we dont havy an1 her surely, most people here will be around gold or lower shes completly good.

If you want to hardclimb by any means, pick one of the 5 to 10 op champs at your current role, but thats the way the game has always been. Low elo you're fine, but you don't see many ahris high elo. Leblanc for single target damage. Orianna to scale and teamfight. There's just other champs that do what she does better. I used to be an Ahri main for a few months and I'm recently picking her up again with a lot of success, actually. As Ahri I just roam a lot to score kills then with items you can almost always oneshot squishies.

I would say it's worth if you're in lower elos like me. Discussion title says it all.


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