Are there secrets in the bible

Thus, rather than understanding the Great Flood as a murderous divine punishment of humans, the Book of Enoch seeks to make God look a little better by suggesting it was the only way to save humanity from the evil of the Giants brought about by the divine-mortal intercourse. In Act 2, the show introduces the Gnostics and some of their beliefs. The corpus of texts discovered at Nag Hammadi leads to a discussion of Gnosticism and Gnostic Christianity and how this belief system differed from what would become mainstream Christianity.

The Gospel of Thomas is highlighted, and there is a discussion about how the Gospel of Thomas differs from the canonical gospels. For instance, Thomas is a collection of sayings of Jesus, but contains no miracles or narratives about Jesus. These differences, coupled with its Gnostic teachings that would later be deemed heretical, are likely the reason it was excluded from the Christian canon.

In Act 3, the documentary examined the person and the Gospel attributed to Mary Magdalene. The show examined the Biblical and popular claims made about Mary—including that she was an important disciple perhaps most important of the disciples and that she was married to Jesus.

The act also discusses the Testimony of Truth and asks why Adam and Eve are prohibited from and then punished for pursuing knowledge by eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Act 4 begins with the Life of Adam and Eve , which offers a number of additional details about the first biblical family not included in the Biblical accounts, like the origin of disease and death.

This act also explores the concept that God may have had a wife. Inscriptions from Kuntillet Ajrud speak about Asherah as a consort of God in blessings made by those authoring the inscriptions. This is a difficult concept for many because the Bible is very clear that God is a singular God as one would expect in a monotheistic or monolatrous faith.

Yet because the prophets were so adamant and repetitious about the fact that idols—including Asherah—were not be worshipped, it is seen as evidence that she was, in fact, being worshipped in ancient Israel and Judah and being invoked in blessings alongside YHWH. At least enough skateboarding to require a number of signs to discourage the activity.

The same is true for the worship of Asherah: given the fact that the prophetic texts offer so many repeated warnings about worshipping her, it is likely that she was being worshiped in ancient Israel. Act 5 also highlights a trio of pseudepigraphical texts attributed to the Apostle Peter : The Apocalypse of Peter, the Gospel of Peter which features a giant, resurrected Jesus and a floating, talking cross , and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter.

This is Blasphemy. The books of Enoch that were given to us contains the truth. No Man or text can make GOD look better. HE is GOD! Do you think we can judge our maker? It is our maker that gave us the ability to judge. Why would our judgement be more righteous than that of our maker? There is none good but GOD. They books of Enoch reveal the truth. It was not humanity that was saved, it was Mankind. This means that all those that perished were not children of the kingdom.

Why would it then say in Numbers An obvious contradiction within the bible. That is why there are three Elijah: For they define the trinity. The great Enoch and the Great Prophet Elijah of Tishbite are the only men to have run their race successfully and return to Eden 3rd heaven without tasting death at all. This reveals that it is possible to return to Heaven without dying! Have you ever wondered why we call things evil? Where does the word evil come from?

Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood ye have no life in you. Let him [not] breed in great numbers, for he is the enemy of the earth and will make a desert of his home and yours.

On Mission. Know the Eucharist, know your vocation. Joseph; register for this Oct. Make Halloween Catholic again. Handing down the faith through conversation and play. Bishops, public officials, and holy communion: once again.

How do you want to be remembered? Father Regis Scanlon, O. Perspective Jared Staudt Local. Unlocking the secrets of the Bible. By Jared Staudt.

May 11, Previous article Like a weaned child with its mother…. Next article Signs of hope for the suffering. Jared Staudt R. Jared Staudt, PhD, is a husband and father of six, the Associate Superintendent for Mission and Formation for the Archdiocese of Denver, a Benedictine oblate, prolific writer, and insatiable reader. Jared Staudt. Handing down the faith through conversation and play November 12, The Bible is a Catholic book the protestant Bible is an incomplete and corrupted Catholic book.

You have the Baptist cult. The Methodist cult. The Episcopalian cult. The Anglican cult. The cult of England etc. Jesus meant it literally when he said you must eat his flesh and drink his blood to have life eternal life in you. A wafer or cracker does not give life as Jesus said.

Also why did the Jews walk away in disgust-because they new what Jesus was saying and he meant it literally. Look up Eucharist miracle of Lanciano. Watch the warning or illumination of conscience by Christine Watkins. God bless. Praise Jesus and Mary always!!! I admire your zeal and passion for Catholicism. I know you already have your own opinion. Even now Most countries across the globe count sunday as the 7th day even when not in relevance to the bible only a few consider saturday the seventh such as u.

Yes, Adam. The Bible prophesied that man will change time and you can see how it is fulfilled today. I think you should call this secrets Catholics dont know as it mainly relates to non christians or those who dont know the truth of the bible although your wrong on the Born again theology old sport. We must be born again of water baptism and the word of God and of the spirit holy spirit baptism as in acts when those i n the upper room received the holy spirit the promise to all believers.

Most dead bible readers who dont change are not filled with the Holy spirit and therefore cant overcome sin and self. If not, I hope you review it. Many seem to have a problem with the one on the trinity.

There is not three Gods they are all equal as being the one. Someone explained it using water. On your secret no. Then in verse 13 it says on that same day there were two men going to Emmaus. They were talking and then Jesus walk along with them. And on the verse 21 they said it was the third day since these things happened, all the things that happened to Jesus.

If the first day of the week is the third day after Jesus died then Jesus rose from the dead on that first day of the week which is sunday. As it was said he rose on the third day. On secret no. He is a Jew and he needs to keep all the laws and Jewish traditions. He is under the law, it was only after his death will the new testament will take effect.

During His ministry, He and His disciples went to synagogue to proclaim the kingdom of God not to observed as He used to. They used that opportunity to proclaim the kingdom. We all know that during sabbath most people specially Jews are on the synagogue. And on other days they continue their ministry on houses, streets, sea shore, mountains and all other places where many people are present. There is no specific day mentioned in the new testament on the day of worship, in fact Jesus worship His father almost everyday because He proclaim the kingdom of God almost everyday, He heals and teach people almost everyday, even on sabbath.

Jesus even said that the hour is coming where they do not need to worship God in the mountains or in Jerusalem because true worshipers will worship the father in spirit and in truth. The article you gave did not explain the verse i gave for secret no.

It did mot say why it was wrongly interpreted. And even you was not able to explain. I am mot giving any statement that Jesus really died on friday afternoon and i also doubt it. But in this passage, Luke 24, i was clearly stated that, that specific early morning is the first day of the week.

I am sure that when they say that it is first day of the week, it is the day after the weekly sabbath, and it is not moving. It is also clearly stated there that, that specific first day of the week is the third day when all things happen to Jesus Christ. If like what you said Jesus rose before that day then it will mean that he rose on the second day. It is clear that first day that week is the third day.

With that being said, bow would you explain this specific passages in your own words. There were other things the Jews and Romans did after Christ was buried. Notice what Matthew included about their actions:. The last things the Romans and Jewish leaders did were to seal the tomb and place soldiers on guard around it. Christ died on Wednesday afternoon. So the tomb was sealed on Thursday, the day following that Day of Preparation. Apparently the disciples were including these events in their reference to the things that had taken place.

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Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. Did you know that your Bible holds a lot of secrets — secrets, that if you know would change your perspective and beliefs? If you want to know these secrets, you need to read this blog.

If you die today, where will go? Look at this calendar; which is the first and last day? Is this the church? Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons. Like this post? Spread the word! Like this: Like Loading Related posts. Thank you for writing this blog.


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