Block quote how long

As Johnson explained,. This increase in sales can be partially attributed to the widespread use of email and social networking, which has encouraged the sharing of digital photos.

Johnson further noted that, even more than with the shift to digital cameras, the increasing use of phones and iPods that have built-in cameras has replaced the use of film cameras. Computer users often disagree about which operating system is best: Mac or PC. Oyler stated that one operating system is not better than the other, but that one may be better suited for different purposes than the other.

She explained by saying that. Macs are often the best option for users who wish to work with video or picture manipulation. Macs are also very user friendly, which may benefit consumers who are new to computers. PCs, however, run Microsoft Office Suite the best. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance.

Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. Share Flipboard Email. Richard Nordquist. English and Rhetoric Professor. Richard Nordquist is professor emeritus of rhetoric and English at Georgia Southern University and the author of several university-level grammar and composition textbooks.

Key Takeaways: Block Quotations A block quotation is a direct quotation that is indented from the left margin and begins on a new line. Block quotations are used when a quotation exceeds a specific length. Requirements for length vary, depending on the style guide being used. Block quotes can be effective tools for persuading readers or proving a point, but they should be used sparingly and edited appropriately.

Here is an example where the first sentence is the beginning of a paragraph:. Sir Henry lay insensible where he had fallen. We tore away his collar, and Holmes breathed a prayer of gratitude when we saw that there was no sign of a wound and that the rescue had been in time.

Already our friend's eyelids shivered and he made a feeble effort to move. Lestrade thrust his brandy-flask between the baronet's teeth, and two frightened eyes were looking up at us.

What, in heaven's name, was it? Unless the quotation involves unusual spacing, format it as you would prose: indent each line one-inch from margin and double-space the lines. Do not add any quotation marks that do not appear in the source:. If the quote includes line breaks, mark these using a forward slash with a space on either side. Use two slashes to indicate a stanza break. If the quote is longer than three lines, set them off from the main text as an MLA block quote. Reproduce the line breaks, punctuation, and formatting of the original.

Want to contact us directly? No problem. We are always here for you. Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents. We proofread:. You can find all the citation styles and locales used in the Scribbr Citation Generator in our publicly accessible repository on Github. Frequently asked questions See all. How long is a block quote in MLA? Should I use footnotes to cite sources in MLA style? How should I format the Works Cited page? According to MLA format guidelines, the Works Cited page s should look like this: Running head containing your surname and the page number.

The title, Works Cited, centered and in plain text. Hanging indent applied to all entries. Do I need to use full sentences in an MLA annotated bibliography? How do I create an MLA header for a paper with multiple authors? Do I need a title page for my MLA paper? The exceptions are when Your instructor requires one, or Your paper is a group project In those cases, you should use a title page instead of a header, listing the same information but on a separate page.

How do I cite a source with no date in MLA style? Should I abbreviate the names of months in MLA style? In the main text, month names should never be abbreviated. How are dates formatted in MLA style? Whom should I list as the author of a dictionary entry in MLA style? How do I cite information from a footnote in MLA style? Jones un. How do I cite an article spread across non-consecutive pages in MLA?

How do I cite a local newspaper in MLA? Who is listed as the author of a podcast in MLA? Can I cite a source quoted in another source in MLA? For example: Picasso, Pablo. Slide 7. Do I need to give details about the album in an MLA song citation? How do I cite a source with no title in MLA style? Mackintosh, Charles Rennie. Chair of stained oak. When do I need to include an image citation in MLA style? When should I cite a book chapter in MLA?


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