In addition to stop signs required at intersections on through highways, a the council of a municipality may by by-law provide for the erection of stop signs at intersections on highways under its jurisdiction; and b the Minister may by regulation designate intersections on the King's Highway at which stop signs shall be erected, and every sign so erected shall comply with the regulations of the Ministry. In other words, there must be a by-law creating the stop sign.
Under Step 3 , examples are given of signs that require by-laws. Under disclosure, you should receive a copy of the by-law. If you don't, you can argue improper disclosure and adjourn or stay your trial. This is one of the easiest ways to beat your charge and Step 4 explains how to do this. Your Ticket. It only takes 15 minutes. How easy is that! Subscribe to our Newsletter. A valid email must be entered. Recent Posts We're Expanding Again!
We are expanding into Melbourne! Online Learning Opportunities. Driving on Rural Roads. Speed Limits in Australia. Long Drives. Now I wouldn't want to be within - yards of one of them nuclear bombs when it goes off! Lucky for him, the rock kept the dirt from burying him alive. And I'd be a TSA agent.
Stevens, President. Andy Brown, Treasurer, Algonquin J. Calhoun, Legal Consultant. Posted by: Speedy. Complete stop. Within 10 feet before the stop sign. Make sure you have good shock absorbers so your vehicle isn't rocking to and fro. Saint Cloud, Minnesota, where the weather is wonderful even when it isn't. Posted by: Yoyodyne ArtWorks. Quote RgrF It's called a California stop and leaves a lot of discretion to the traffic cop.
Posted by: cbelt3. Quote Racer X Depends on your state. Posted by: lost in space. Quote RgrF It's called a California stop. Posted by: Lew Zealand.
Quote GuyGene All I know is, if you drive through Memphis, they have cameras at lights that will record you. Posted by: wurm. Apparently, it's in order to pass your driving test in MA.
At least that's what the officer told my son when he failed him on his driving test. I was in the back seat and he came to a complete stop. At the end of the test, that's when the guy said he had to count to three before proceeding. He was very nice about it and acknowledged that I slowed to almost a complete stop and looked both ways before proceeding, so there was no ticket or official warning. But every day, I see cars and trucks just blowing through that same stop sign and many others with nothing more than a cursory slow-down.
Frankly, unless it's a three or four way intersection, they probably ought to just concede and make them Yield signs. Maybe it was just in our town. The law is still state wide. Some cops are more liberal than others. In CA, it was often called a Hollywood Stop.
It still ticks me off that anybody, police officer, traffic school instructor, whomever, often doesn't tell you the law or ordinance regarding a violation, but what they think you 'should do'. Everybody needs to know the elements of violations.
For instance stopping two lengths back from a cross walk, curb extension, or limit line, doesn't constitute a lawful stop in CA.
Maybe it's changed today. When I began driving in Mass. It was on the books but almost no one knew it. The proviso was it had to be an intersection with a four-way stop. Before the stop line. If needed, you can slowly pull up a little and then stop again when you have a good view of traffic in all directions. Not Helpful 10 Helpful If I approach a stop sign with a large hedge blocking the view of traffic on the left and right, should I stop at the sign, or proceed forward until I can see?
You should stop at the sign and then proceed to a point where you can see the traffic. Not Helpful 4 Helpful Stop before the white line. You should stop within two feet of it, so the bumper does not go over the line. Not Helpful 8 Helpful If I paused at a stop sign and then continued because there was no oncoming traffic, should the police charge me?
If "pausing" means coming to a complete stop, then no, they shouldn't charge you because you didn't do anything wrong. If you slowed down without completely stopping though, the charge would be justified. Not Helpful 3 Helpful You should stop before the sidewalk, which is an extension of the imaginary crosswalk which lines up with the sidewalk on either side. Not Helpful 5 Helpful If I'm approaching a stop sign but a traffic control officer waves me to come, do I still have to stop at the stop sign, or do I proceed straight through?
If a traffic control officer waves at you, he "overrules" the stop sign. You can proceed straight through. Not Helpful 2 Helpful There should be a white line painted across the road. You have to come to a complete stop before you cross that line.
Once you have come to a complete stop, you may inch forward a little bit in order to see whether or not it is safe for you to proceed. Not Helpful 14 Helpful If I'm in a line of cars approaching a stop sign, and the car in front of me stops, do I have to stop a second time after that car goes? Yes, every car in sequence must stop and check for oncoming traffic before proceeding.
Some local laws make an exception for funeral processions. Not Helpful 9 Helpful When pulling up to a car in traffic or a stop light, how far do you have to stop behind them? You should stop far enough back to see the back wheels of the vehicle in front of you over your hood.
If there is a crosswalk at the intersection, you should stop before crossing it. If there is no crosswalk, stop short of the intersection with enough space that other cars can safely turn in without hitting you. Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.
Know that if you see a flashing red light at an intersection, you should follow the same rules as if there were a stop sign there. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Driving is a very dangerous activity. Never drive if you are under medication or intoxicated.
Always be cautious of other vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. Helpful 13 Not Helpful 4. Local laws may vary, so always obey the traffic regulations enforced in your area.
Helpful 11 Not Helpful 3.