Where is major dhatri

If it is daytime he usually is right outside the airport concourse entrance. If it is late he could be asleep or off somewhere. Seeing people get defeated by a paper towel dispenser will always be hilarious.

Yes, Dhatri should be outside the main building in Camp McCarran. Keep your eyes open for a black man with beard. As for the NCR questline, you must talk to Mr house before you can get any quests from the embassy.

Ok thanks for the info. I'll go visit mr. Psn: uprrslo. Found the quest right after I talked to Benny Psn: uprrslo. More topics from this board I know that every time I send them out, I could be sending him to his death. But, if it's not me, it'll be somebody else.

At least this way I get one more chance to see him. I thought I'd accepted the fact that I could be the one ordering him to his death, but it's been more difficult than I thought. Excuse me, but I'd rather not speak of this. I got connections because Major Dhatri's daughter married my nephew. I don't think so.

Only one thing concerns me right now, and that's killing the bastards that are murdering my men. I'm happy to talk caps. Camp McCarran. Fan Feed. Universal Conquest Wiki. Fallout: New Vegas character Dhatri. Biography and appearance. Human , African American. Bitter-Root adopted son Robert Dhatri son, deceased Unnamed daughter [1]. Dhatri's dialogue. Three-Card Bounty. Derived Stats. Hit Points : DT : Explosives : 74 Melee Weapons : 74 Guns : Betsy Sergeant Bitter Root Major Dhatri also please imagine that in the moment of the photo being taken Boone is very awkwardly standing behind the courier hes no longer part of the team and doesnt feel deserving maybe he just really doesnt want his pucture being taken they would gladly let him be there my art also Bitter Root blinked.

FUCK honestly as good as the quests are my favourite thig in new vegas is 'me and my gay friends get fucked up in the desert' i rrally lile wanderin ar9und the world. Sgt Bitter-Root - Took a long time to figure out due to his childhood trauma, was only when he got to talking with Major Dhatri and Ten of Spades that he figured out he was a gay man. Corporal Betsy - Stone Butch Lesbian! Citation project Speculation removal Suggested merge and splits Template headquarters Template overview.

Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? View source. History Talk If it's good news, it better involve some dead Fiends. I got connections because Major Dhatri's daughter married my nephew.

I don't think so. Only one thing concerns me right now, and that's killing the bastards that are murdering my men. You want to talk to somebody in charge, I'd start with Colonel Hsu and work my way down.

You'll find him in the Main Concourse. But if you want to take down some psycho-crazy bastards I'm happy to talk caps. If I wasn't in this fight for my country, you couldn't pay me enough to screw with those maniacs. If you change your mind, I'll be happy to see you again. I was Captain Dhatri, then.


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